Licenses are what you should look for:
In Victoria, air conditioner installation work carried out by unlicensed installers, may void your air conditioner manufacture warranty. Since unlicensed installers cannot issue compliance certificates and electrical certificates, your home and content insurance may be voided from your insurer as well. Coldbear are fully licensed and insured for all our work. To install refrigerated air conditioners legally in Victoria Australia, your installer should hold:
- Plumbing License – Also known as PIC License now is issued by Victorian Building Authority.
- Refrigeration Handling License AU – Due to refrigerant’s potential ozone depleting hazardous properties. Refrigeration handling activities are strictly restricted by law (Australian Refrigeration Council). Unlicensed installers are illegal to carried any work on refrigerated air conditioners.
- Electrical Contracting License – All your electrical work for air conditioners should be carried out by a registered electrical contractor with an a Certificate of Electrical Safety issued to you after electrical work is done. This is to ensure all electrical work carried out to Australian standards and so that your home and content insurance will not be voided.
- Refrigeration Trading Authorisation AU – It is important for you to make sure your air conditioner installers or company is registered by Refrigerant Trading Authorsation. This allow your air conditioner installer to have access to refrigerant gas supply. During installation or when gas leakage occur you know that your installers are able to purchase refrigerant.
Make sure to check the required licenses before the air conditioner installation. This is really important for your safety. Looking for a free quote of your air conditioner installation, contact us.